ski extras
Why book with us?
Fantastic discounts and special offer packages.
We don't charge booking fees or card fees.
Expert team on hand in Andorra to make sure your booking runs smoothly.
Collect your ski rental right in front of the gondola (closest shop to the slopes).
We're specialists in Andorra.
In 2022-23 our customers rated their booking overall 8.8 out of 10.
I have complete confidence in Andorra Resorts. What a professional, efficient and friendly service they provide. I would highly recommend them!
- Christine Croft, Nuneaton, UKReally smooth service. Personal attention in resort with telephone number in case of problems.
- Laura Matthews, Southend, UKOur first ever ski holiday would not have been half as good or organised if it wasn't for the team. I don't think any company has ever helped us as much as these guys did.
- Andrew Smith, Preston, UK